Thursday, November 1, 2012

41 Weeks: Andi *Update*

As of today, 11/1/2012, I am 41 weeks AKA 8 days past my due date. I had my weekly appointment this morning and will be going back for another NST (non-stress test) tomorrow at the hospital. I will also be seeing my Dr. again on Monday instead of Thursdays like I have been. I wasn't quite ready to talk about being induced today- my concern is that putting my body into labor before it's ready will only cause more problems and possibly a difficult labor. However, I am aware that being pregnant for too long could also cause problems of its own. I researched a little bit for ways to help induce labor naturally and have discovered evening primrose oil! Evening primrose oil is said to not help induce labor, but to help soften the cervix and make it easier for you when your body is indeed ready for labor. I've read other stories where the women have said that they did end up going into labor soon after using primrose oil, but I won't get my hopes up and I'll just be happy knowing that I'm doing something to help my body prepare for labor :)

The results for the NST that I had this past Monday were great, Andi is doing fine and so are all the other parts that go with her (placenta, fluids, etc.). The only thing I didn't enjoy was being there for almost 3 hours doing all these tests and waiting for results! But luckily, Ruben had the day off so I wasn't stuck there alone.

Thank you to everyone for caring so much about her arrival! I know she's taking a long time but I'll be sure to let everyone know when it's time! But for now, I will continue to keep you guys updated :)

Some pictures from Andi's tests, I was bored... LOL!

1 comment:

Claire & Daniel said...

How exciting! And try spicy foods, lots of walking... I haven't thought about labor for a while so I forget haha. Yay Andi!!!