Tuesday, November 13, 2012

She's Here! Andi *Update*

I'm sure you've all been dying for an Andi update, right? :P

Andi's Birth
On November 6, 2012 I was admitted into Los Alamitos Medical Center at 7:30am. I was scheduled for an induction because Andi just didn't want to come out on her own! I was a week and 5 days past due, the nurses said most doctors induce earlier than that- I was okay with waiting a little bit longer. They started me on Pitocin around 9am and checked on me regularly to see how I was progressing. By 6pm I had only dilated 3-4cm so my Dr. decided to shut off the Pitocin for the rest of the night and start it back up again the next morning at 7. I'll admit, I was pretty irritated that the process was going so slow and that I would have to stay another night. I already missed Riley who was home sick and I was worried that the induction wouldn't be successful. I was, however, really happy to finally be able to EAT! We started the process all over again the next morning, after about an hour or two I decided to get an epidural...Sitting through ongoing contractions for over 24 hours can do that to you! I tried resting as much as I could after that. Ruben went home to shower and see Riley and then came back, my mom and Ruben's mom came back in the morning and waited with us. Around 230ish I started getting an urge to go to the bathroom (#2), I told my nurse and she said that it must be almost time, but when she checked me I was only 6cm dilated. My Dr. came soon after that and checked me again, and broke my water doing so! And just like that, I was ready to push. How it happened so fast, I have NO idea. But within 30 minutes of pushing, she was finally out!
Andi Kekona Ramirez
born on November 7, 2012
at 3:05 PM
7 lbs. 13 oz. 21 inches
Our Hospital Stay
The labor & delivery department was really busy the night I had Andi, so Ruben wasn't able to stay with us because I was going to be rooming with another mom. I felt better after this delivery than I did with Riley, so I was able to walk around a few hours after and even shower before I switched rooms. Andi was such a quiet, peaceful baby that night. I actually had to wake her up to eat! The next day, Ruben came back in the afternoon with Riley so they could visit and he could stay with us for the night. Riley went home with her Gigi for the night until we got discharged the next day. All the nurses were really sweet and helpful, it was definitely a different stay than the one I had at LB Memorial. Overall, I enjoyed everything a lot better at Los Al than I did at LB Memorial. Maybe because LB Memorial is just WAY too big.
 Bringing Home Andi
I was discharged from the hospital on Friday, 11/9/12. I was so happy to be going home to my own bed and most of all, to Riley! The first couple nights were an adjustment for all of us, Riley was unsure about her new sister at first but now she LOVES her and always wants to hold her or talk to her. For the most part, Andi is a good eater and sleeper- she wakes up twice in the middle of the night and early in the morning around 730. For now, during the day I usually wake her up every 2-3 hours to eat because she (like Riley) has jaundice so it's important for her to pee and poop a lot to clear it out of her system. Hers isn't as bad as Riley's was because she didn't have to stay for photo therapy. It is getting better though! Thank you, Jesus! :)

Thank you to everyone for your support and well wishes! Keep checking back for more updates and pictures! Can't wait for everyone to finally meet her :)


Claire & Daniel said...

Oh my gosh I love it! Are you breastfeeding? How is it going?!?!?!? Love the pictures and I'm so happy for your little family :)

Unknown said...

you totally forgot to mention your BFF being there throughout all of it WOMP WOMP willing to ditch three classes that week for ANDI and YOU LOL love you <3

Paige said...

Thank you, Claire! And yes, I am breastfeeding :) It's going really well, she's getting better at it. She was a little bit of a lazy eater in the beginning. Hopefully we can all get together soon!!!