Saturday, October 27, 2012

My Gym Halloween Party & Pa's Pumpkin Patch

It's finally Fall season, which means, time for the HOLIDAYS! Thank goodness we're out of summer and almost out of the summer heat!

My Gym Halloween Party
Yesterday (10/26/2012), Riley and I went with my sister, brother-in-law and niecey Amelia to a My Gym Halloween party! It was Riley's first time to My Gym and I think it's safe to say she had a great time! She loved running around and being able to play with and on everything in a room for once. Her favorite thing to do was jump on the trampolines they had, and she also enjoyed the big ball pit. The session was 45 minutes and at the end they had snacks and little toys to give out to all the kids before they left. They also had a station where they let the kids decorate their own cookies, but Riley was too busy playing so she passed. Oh! Did I mention, Riley and Amelia also dressed up together again this Halloween? :)
Pa's Pumpkin Patch
Today (10/27/2012), I took Riley to the pumpkin patch in Long Beach with my mom, little brother, sister, brother-in-law and Amelia! Ruben unfortunately had to work :( We all went together last year, also. Yay for starting new family traditions! My mom and sister offered to take Riley by herself to give me a break (thanks mommy and sissy!), but I decided to go anyways since I've taken her every year since her first Halloween! Riley and Amelia went on a few rides together and took pictures in the pumpkin patches, but pretty much just ran around like normal toddlers. Riley was upset to leave but didn't put up a huge fight after her Gigi (my mom) bought her and her cousin lollipops. Spoiled little girls! I'm looking forward to taking Riley and Andi together next year!