Friday, May 11, 2012

BFF Bonding Time!

My sister and I try to get together as often as we can so that Riley & Amelia can have some quality cousin time. Here are some pictures from a couple outings that we've had in the past month or two...

 After Easter Bunny pictures, we let the girls play upstairs in the play area at the Lakewood Mall.

 These pictures were from when we went to Heritage Park to play and see the ducks; there was also a Play Island that we originally wanted to take the girls to but we went to early and it wasn't open yet! After the park, we drove over to Cerritos Library where the little monsters ran around the aisles of books and enjoyed their large fish tank (which also included a small shark!). We ended the day with Pho and spring rolls at Pho 4 U in Cerritos. The 4 of us LOVE PHO! 

This was a Mommy & kids/grandkids outing to Souplantation. My mom, sister, little brother, Riley, Amelia & I all went out to lunch one day to Souplantation in the Lakewood Center. Riley & Amelia had a lot of fun eating next to each other and sharing food. They even tried feeding one another! Watching them grow up together is awesome, and I hope that they'll stay close as they get older.

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