Friday, December 7, 2012

Getting Christmasy!

This past week I made salt dough ornaments for Riley to decorate and had my sister and niecey come over so they could both decorate them together! I was really excited to do this for some reason, maybe because some of my childhood ornaments look like they could've been made from salt dough.

I chose to make all the ornaments into circles, that way we could paint them however we wanted. Instead of just sticking to a certain cutout. Riley and Amelia had fun painting the ornaments, and even more fun painting everything else. Amelia also enjoyed painting her hands, face and hair! It was so messy, but she had so much fun you couldn't help but love it. I didn't let Riley get that far, mostly because she was sitting on me and not in her high chair and I didn't want her to get it all over her Papie's nice table and floor.

It'll be more fun for them when they actually have the patience to sit there and paint the ornaments themselves without having to worry about a super huge mess, but until then we'll enjoy helping them while we still can.

Riley, painting an ornament blue
wait, now she wants it to be black?
Silly niecey! She had a good time :)

Andi joined in too and we molded her foot!
I also made Riley a felt Christmas tree (inspired by Pinterest) that she could decorate as much as she wanted without having to worry about her getting into the real one! It turned out really good and she loves it! Read more about it here :)

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